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We always welcome new ideas for our Green Team.  Please let your son/daughter on Green Team know, so that he/she can pass it on to us.  You could also call the school and ask to speak to Mrs. Atfield or Ms. Claydon.  Along with ideas, you are also welcome to joins us for meetings as a volunteer.


Every little bit helps and your recycling efforts at home are important.  Children who learn the routines of recycling paper, metal, plastic, and glass will be more likely to recycle at school and in the community.  We all hope for a clean and healthy planet for our children and it starts at home and at school.


One of our current TerraCycle campaigns is to collect used printer cartridges.  We can send them in groups of 20 and we get 25 cents for each one donated back to the school.  If you have any finished printer cartridges, please send them to Ms. Claydon.

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